Lots of people and lots of boats go out to the sea every day.
What if we could harness this capacity for the benefit and wellbeing of the sea? What if we could offer unique contextual life experiences to these people at the same time?
Xplore Blue is crowdsourcing the Sea!
For the benefit and wellbeing of the sea and marine life. Enhancing at the same time the offering of the Blue Economy.
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Every boat can become a Blue Xplorer boat! Every resort, park or hotel can offer Xplore Blue experiences! Everybody can become a Blue ocean Xplorer!
Through the combination of: A) Xplore Blue boat equipment packs (sensor pack, biodiversity pack, exploration pack and more) B) Xplore Blue digital platform
A hybrid format based on specially equipped charter boats and a digital platform. Leveraging citizen science and content. The first exclusive Xplore Blue boat, a rugged RAFNAR 1200 Xplore Blue version, is currently being built in a Greek shipyard!